This site is meant for the friends of the Settlers of Catan Card Game. Kosmos has already published five theme sets, but that was not enough for us. Therefore we have collected our and your ideas so that everybody can enjoy them. We hope you like them as much as we do.

The site is a completely private site and is not related in any way to the official Settlers site by Kosmos. At Das Leinhaus addicted players offer other players the possibility to make the great card game The Settlers of Catan still more variable.

At the moment we only provide a small number of theme sets with an english translation. If you check out our german pages you will find a lot more stuff. But since doing the translations consumes quite a lot of time, we have decided to start with a reduced site in English. However, if we receive enough feedback by mail or in our guestbook, we will step by step translate all sets and at least a part of the other contents.

The cards shown on this site are not official cards. Neither Klaus Teuber, nor Franz Vohwinkel, nor Kosmos have tested or authorized these cards. Their distribution is only tolerated by the above mentioned people. The content of this site is solely meant for private use and must not be used for commercial purposes under any circumstance.

The translations on this site are mostly based on the excellent rulebooks for the basic game and the five official theme sets that were made by S. G. Hughes based on the translations done by Peter Card, Philip Homatidis, Chris Farrell and Richard Ingram. These rulebooks can be found at as PDF files. Thanks to Funagain Games for helping us to find these rulebooks. Since there were some discrepancies as to the card names, we have prepared an Excel spreadsheet with all official cards and their known translations.